"Helping you HEAL and HOPE for the BEST to come with PCOS."

​Navigating your journey to parenthood with unforeseen fertility challenges, hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, undiagnosed medical conditions or battling with the constant reminder of the "ticking clock" can be BEYOND OVERWHELMING when you're ready to get pregnant.
Did you know that....
1 in 10 women of childbearing age is diagnosed with PCOS across the world?
1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy?
Infertility affects men and women equally?
Approximately 15% to 30% of couples will be diagnosed with unexplained infertility after their diagnostic workup?
Up to 80% of couples conceive within the first 6 cycles of trying to conceive when couples understand AND time intercourse to their "fertile window"?
Let's face it ---- we were never taught how COUPLE FERTILITY truly works or how to best support the bodies of both partners after transitioning off the pill ---- or any other hormonal contraceptive for that matter. Relax, and allow us to help you save TIME, MONEY and UNWANTED STRESS on your journey to conceiving with PCOS!
If you're tired of searching for the next best supplement, or hearing people tell you to "just relax", "stop over-thinking it" or maybe even to "hurry up before you get too old" - you're in the right space -- a healing space.
Welcome to a JUDGEMENT - FREE ZONE that supports folks on all stages of their fertility journey.

You're HERE because you are tired of feeling IGNORED, UNSUPPORTED, DISCONNECTED and CONFINED to the four walls of the traditional women's health medical model and want to explore a whole -- centered approach to fertility care that includes space for your partner too.
Many couples struggle while trying to conceive because they only focus on ovulation timing. BODEfinity takes a comprehensive approach to fertility. Before we embark on this journey together, it's important that we introduce you to
our model in order to prep you for your healing journey to come.
RESTORE hormonal balance and soft tissue health.
ELIMINATE behaviors contributing to pelvic inflammation.
SUPPORT your body's ability to heal naturally.
TAKE time to listen to what your
body is trying to tell you.

Finding the path to parenthood looks different for everyone and no one should have to follow the same cookie-cutter approach to conception.
Often times, women report feeling alone, isolated and disconnected from their bodies and their partners on their journey to conception. BODEfinity prioritizes COUPLE FERTILITY with unmatched, unbiased, evidence-based fertility education and resources that are essential for bringing couples together and strengthening their bond as they journey to becoming the best version of themselves, optimize their health and, as an extension, reach their fertility goals - TOGETHER! You don't have to tackle PCOS alone!

Getting Started is SIMPLE.
SCHEDULE your Virtual Fertility Consult.
GET CONNECTED with a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Fertility Awareness Educator and Integrative Pelvic Health Specialist to receive a thorough pelvic wellness screen to include a medical history review, detailed analysis of your menstrual cycles, partner's and sexual health history.
CHECK YOUR EMAIL to receive your customized
Fertility Action Plan to help you and your partner jumpstart your journey to Parenthood - with LESS stress and MORE support.

STOP surviving and START thriving.
Transform your health from struggling with fertility challenges, exhaustion, and anxiety to getting to the life you deserve!
Your Journey to Fertility Wellness Awaits...
Meet The Team

Dr. Jackie White, PT, DPT
Founder/Clinical Manager

Miss Melia White
Assistant Manager (in-training)